My Story
Now 14 years later, I am rewriting MY Story! I use to tell you who I was and I would share with you about our awesome products. Believe me they are incredible!!!! Just buying a $5.00 bar changed my life in 2009.
Reflecting on the last 14 years, I have grown so much. I am now a better daughter, Christian, mom, wife, woman, business woman, friend, and leader. My walk with the Lord has been enhanced and the film has been pulled off my eyes. The people that were put in my life through hosting, joining and buying from me slowly built my confidence and my passion for what I do. By sharing with them something that I love I started to see their lives change.
Yes, Scentsy will make your life smell better. Your clothes, your home, your cars etc!! But what else it can do for you is priceless. I never knew a $99.00 investment could change my life. I won’t take up your time and share my story you can google or youtube that. But I will tell you Scentsy helped me find my passion in life all over again when it was taken away. I found the Shannon that I lost years back and made her better than ever through nothing but the blessing of Scentsy that God brought into my life. The dreams that reside deep inside of you no matter how big or how small can absolutely come true when you believe in yourself! I believe that Scentsy is the tool in your life that can help you become a better you. I tell my customers whether they host, join or buy Scentsy that they will be blessed somehow. I truly believe that!! I have seen women and their stories that will bring you to your knees walk across the stage and receive some of the highest rewards. One of the best rewards you can receive has no dollar value but it is the confidence you get in yourself and watching how giving back and sharing something you love can make a difference in others. I too, have had a chance to share my story and receive one of the highest awards as a mentor and sales excellence and now I made it to SuperStar Director, which is the highest rank you can achieve with this company. I am humbled by this because I know that it wasn’t me, it was only through him!! I can’t sit here and tell you that everyone I have encountered joined my team or held a party or even bought from me. But what I can tell you is that I had a chance to share this amazing opportunity with them and God’s love and how this decision saved me from a dark place. That is something I can live with the fact that this has given me the opportunity to not only share this amazing company but to share the word and God’s love.
I may have offended some of you and that is ok. Because if you haven’t heard today that God loves you now you need to by clicking on my story.
I have gone on many trips with Scentsy. I have been to Greece, Cancun, Dominican, Disney World and more. God continued to prove to me over and over he never left me and only makes me stronger through every trip and milestone I put behind me. I was scared to fly after a terrible accident I had on the way back from a Scentsy convention in 2012. Through him and the love I have for Scentsy and the people I have met along my journey gave me the courage and faith to get back on that plane and see what blessings were waiting for me outside of NC. So looking back at my first paragraph I would have wanted to meet this person and maybe join her team. But after the past 14 years I am convinced that with consistent work, dedication, and passion that you will see the blessing that comes from a $99.00 investment. I can teach you and train you but you have to WANT it and be ready to receive it. So are you ready????
I look forward to meeting you and I am 100% sure you will love SCENTSY.